Monday, May 12, 2008

Experiment 4

ohhh.... another session of this- is it crucial?

Yes it is, you know it is.. why are you so lazy always? 

I´m not lazy- I´m just tired. I didn't have enough coffee this morning. Easy on the statements. 

Ok, let's begin then.  Okay, you said you didn't see yourself in 5 years. What about the next 2 years.. have got any idea where you'll be in 2 years?

NO NO NO, come ON ! Next question please! Don't ask me these unanswerable questions. Ask me something about Mario instead. 

No- Mario isn't that serious to me as he is to you. So enough questions about Mario... Hmm.. ok let me think for a while. 

Why do we have to have this interview going on? Why can't we just go out and play? I wanna go out and play..... play play play. Let's go and find mushrooms ... that's almost like Mario brother reality version. I can wear my red jacket and you your green. Two players you know. 

Then you'll have to wear the green jacket, I´m not playing this slow Luigi guy..... HEY.. STOP IT, you almost got me. We are going to finish the interview, besides it's not exactly an interview, it's an experiment and experiments are important for man kind. 

Hey- how is your Icelandic coming along? Are the dictionaries still bad?

It's going well I think. But you know that I´m the one asking questions here, remember?

já ok djók . Sorry haltu áfram.... 



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ég skal alveg vera í græna jakkanum, þú hleypur miklu hraða en ég hvort sem er... :)

6:42 PM  

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