Tuesday, May 13, 2008

experiment 6

Why are you sad?

I´m not sad, I´m ... I´m .... hmm... well I´m saaad. 3 a's.

Why are you saaad?

Dunno. I've got to write this essay and life keeps saying NO. NO NO NO. COMPUTER SAYS NO.

Is it still Monday or?

No it's Wednesday- Wednesdays are usually not that bad.

It feels like it has been Monday for months. Do you have the same feeling?

No I´m great. My life is fucking fantastic, couldn't be better actually. It's like Saturday always. No work, all play.... play play play...

Oh, I wanted to out and play yesterday. But no, then there was this stupid interview going on. Is it still ongoing?

What the play or the interview?

Dunno, you tell me. Is this an interview?

No, it's more like a conversation. Do you know the difference between an interview and a conversation?

Nope. I guess that's why I´m stuck here.


Monday, May 12, 2008

Interview nr. 5

I decided to call this session "interview", I hope you don't mind it to much.

I want to go out and play PLAY PLAY PLAY. I don't want to talk any more. Besides, I still don't know where I'll be in 2 or 5 years so I really don't see the point of this conversation.

No, that's where you are wrong. "Interview"- not "conversation"... so you really don't have a say in what questions will be asked here. You must accept that before we can go on....

Well, no because then I´m just not going to answer your questions. I will not just accept what you say, besides Aristotle told me personally that I should question everything. He sounded like a guy who knew his mind you know.

lllllllllllooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggg silence [ YAWN]

Ok, maybe one question then. I'll consider answering one question, like a nightcap question.

No I´m not in the mood any more. You kind of ruined the moment for me. I hope your happy now. You just have to play alone.

Fine, I don't like the stupid two player game anyway. Go play Luigi you prick. ANYWAY, I'll save the sexy pink princess like ten times before you get out of level one, AND invite her out for coffee AND eat mushrooms with her... COLORFUL MUSHROOMS - and give her lots of ups and coins and whatever is out there... HA.. HA... top that you interviewer, you..


Experiment 4

ohhh.... another session of this- is it crucial?

Yes it is, you know it is.. why are you so lazy always? 

I´m not lazy- I´m just tired. I didn't have enough coffee this morning. Easy on the statements. 

Ok, let's begin then.  Okay, you said you didn't see yourself in 5 years. What about the next 2 years.. have got any idea where you'll be in 2 years?

NO NO NO, come ON ! Next question please! Don't ask me these unanswerable questions. Ask me something about Mario instead. 

No- Mario isn't that serious to me as he is to you. So enough questions about Mario... Hmm.. ok let me think for a while. 

Why do we have to have this interview going on? Why can't we just go out and play? I wanna go out and play..... play play play. Let's go and find mushrooms ... that's almost like Mario brother reality version. I can wear my red jacket and you your green. Two players you know. 

Then you'll have to wear the green jacket, I´m not playing this slow Luigi guy..... HEY.. STOP IT, you almost got me. We are going to finish the interview, besides it's not exactly an interview, it's an experiment and experiments are important for man kind. 

Hey- how is your Icelandic coming along? Are the dictionaries still bad?

It's going well I think. But you know that I´m the one asking questions here, remember?

já ok djók . Sorry haltu áfram.... 


Experiment 3

Okay... so we are here once again, me asking questions and you answering...

ahm.. já, I guess so- if you say so.

I say so. I just said so- are you slow or something?

No, or maybe just a little. Or just tired. I´m sorry- I just need a cup of coffee.

Ok, lets continue. You just swallowed a mushroom and got 2 ups- how does that feel?

Oh man- it feels great,... I didn't realize how much I missed playing Super Mario. Breaking all those bricks again... all those mushrooms- those colorful mushrooms. And getting to save the princess- that was the best.

Is she still wearing that same pink dress, i.e. the princess ?

Yeah.... and it's sexy. She is one sexy pink princess, - at least in Super Mario 2. In the other ones you just don't see the dress that well you know.

No- I don't know, I don't play these games, remember.

.. æjá I think you told me.... but don't you want to..........? maybe smá? just oggupons?

Play oggupons????? What is oggupons again?

It's just like "very very little" or "slightly".... you've heard this word before. I'm always saying oggupons or oggulítið.

Yes, oggulítið I've heard before but oggupons is something totally different. Well... maybe I'd like to play oggulítið mario brothers.

We could maybe play together then.... me as Mario and you as Luigi,- you know 2 players.

I hate Luigi- he's so green. He's also slow, he doesn't run as fast as Mario and he always screws up the superjump. I won't play oggulítið unless I get to be Mario.

Wow- what a shift. Ok, I'll be Luigi then. But there is a saying here in Iceland that goes like : "Árinni kennir illur ræðari" are you familiar with it?

No, do you say it as often as you say "oggulítið"?

Njeee.... I don't. It wouldn't be so good if I were always saying it you know..

No I don't. I don't really care- I don't speak that much Icelandic yet- I think your dictionaries aren't that good help.

As I was saying about the "Árinni kennir illur ræðari"- Well in your case don't blame the remote control or the dictionaries for poor results.

Ok fine, nice to know. We have a saying in English that goes like "shut the fuck up".


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Experiment 2

So, how would you describe yourself?

Ehhmm.... wow, yeah... well. That's not so hard; I´m an outgoing introvert. A very shy outgoing introvert.

Ok,.. I see and do you have everything planned out yet?

What do you mean???

You know... career, family,.. where do you see yourself in like 5 years?

....... jájá you mean that. Nope, dunno.

Do you think you can post this?

dunno, we'll see.

-Somebody from Uranus, Hvítasunnudag.

Tilraun 1

Að skrifa eina línu án þess að stroka hana út.

Að birta línuna.

Katrín Dagmar, Hvítasunnudag.